Response from WSCC to WBC's Cycling Motion

Rather feeble response from WSCC to the motion from Worthing Borough Council.

One quote that might surprise people who've been involved with WSCC in regard to cycling:

We take the provision of cycle routes seriously within the County Council

and that they:

always look to improve and enhance sustainable travel options

but, sadly, only:

as and when resources allow.

For those that don't know, WSCC take the provision of cycle routes so seriously they don't fund them from County Highways budgets at all. The annual WSCC budget for cycling infrastructure has been zero for many years now. The best they can do is provide free cycle parking stands, but the recipient has to pay to have them installed!

Meanwhile WSCC _do_ fund motor schemes costing millions each year, and their budget for 2013/14 was £52.4 million. They do have funding, they just don't want to improve conditions for people who happen to want to travel around using bicycles.