
This list is of funding sources we are aware of (West Sussex County Council don't have a budget for cycling infrastructure, oddly) that could potentially be spent effectively on cycling infrastructure in and around Worthing.

Funding Source Transport amount Amount available Section 106 Designation Area(s) Planning ref. Comments
36 Wordsworth Road Flats £9,100 £9,100 Sustainable transport measures Heene Ward WB/07/0944/FULL

£9,100 towards sustainable transport measures

St Barnabus Hospice £40,000 £40,000 Cycle way provision Northbrook Ward WB/07/1495/FULL

£40,000 for the provision of a cycleway.

The planning decision notice has a condition, number 25, that says...

Downlands Retail Park: Extension and wind turbines £59,361 £59,361 Provision of transport Broadwater Ward, Offington Ward WB/06/0974/FULL

Must be used in Lyons Farm Area

29 Gratwicke Road Flats £5,670 Sustainable access Central Ward, Heene Ward WB/03/00822/OUT

£5,670. Towards the provision or improvement of sustainable access and infrastructure in the ward or adjoining ward...